Thanks, Ad. Yeah, say the quota is 100 and the candidate got 200 votes. The transfer value here is 50% = 100/200.

I believe all 200 votes are looked at to see the second position. Maybe that shows 100 with a second preference for B and 100 with a second preference for C.

Now the transfer value is multiplied by each set of second votes, so:

- candidate B will get 50%x100 =50 transferred votes. Same for candidate C.

And If candidate B later got eliminated you’d go back to this set of votes and look at third preferences on all 200 votes for A and the transfer value would be 50% (the excess) x 50% (because B had gotten the same transfers as C). You’d multiply that by the sets of 3rd rank choices of candidate A’s original votes.

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Thanks for the summary, Ro. A question:

In Act 3 (single transferable vote), how do you determine which is an excess vote vs. a non-excess? As I understand it, the ones deemed excess are the ones that get their second votes redistributed.

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